AGENDA PROJECTS This drawing documents the twenty projects selected to articulate the agenda from all three semesters. Individually they are the product of independent and theme-specific ideas. Collectively they serve as evidence to the transformative capacity of thinking with architecture at multiple scales. Each project location challenges the notion of the site as property, opening up possibilities of projects inclusive of ecology, history, and various topics not defined in advance by transactional frameworks.
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#Environmental Contamination, #Social Infrastructure, #Land Ownership, #Community Land Trust, #Transportation and Mobility, #Natural Resources, #Industry, #Development, #Tourism, #Branding/Image, #Inequality, #Service, #Geological Layers, #Segregation, #Landfill and Wastelands, #Park Waters Remediation, #Ecology, Housing and City Limits, #Public Parks Reprogramming, #Collective Mobility, #Rural Growth, #Extraction Remediation, #Self-Contained Life, #Community Land Ownership, #Retrofitting the Strip Mall, #Automation and the Cloud City, #Automation and Students’ Leisure, #City and Body Optics, #Bioterror and the City