with projects by:
Gabriella Del Rio
Alyssa Dophied
Mariana Garcia Rendon
Lauren James
Jared Labus
Evelyn Ringhofer
Guest Critics:
Stephen Caffey
Frances Hsu
Daniel Jacobs
James Michael Tate
Departing from the proposed Agenda for BCS, the Spring 2021 ARCH 406 studio builds up on it to articulate projects. This would be the first studio that formally utilizes the agenda as spring board for the territory’s inquiry and design responses.
The projects included below worked also under the given MAKING THE PUBLIC—COMMONS prompt, part of a larger project I was undertaking during the Spring 2021. Following the agenda and developing an interest in everything public–common, the projects elaborated on issues of ecology and city limits, mobility and transportation, as well as explored issues of surveillance with responses through the design of networked parks and public spaces.
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Bryan, Texas July 2021